Laptop stands are the rising star of the electronics market in the international trade flows. Thanks to the increase in ‘work from home’ regime and increasing use of laptops, rather than desktops (office set-ups). Laptop stand’s global market will grow at a CAGR of 7.7% this year.

The global market of laptop stands will grow from about $270 million in 2020 to about $290 million in 2021 at a CAGR of 7.7%, while it is expected to reach a CAGR of 7.1% reaching a value of $385.19 million by the year 2025.

Rise in Demand

Demand for electronic devices rose last year due to the pandemic, and so was the high usage of laptops, notebooks, tablets, and related products. Laptops were one of the largest electronic devices used by many individuals for different reasons. While China is the top exporter for laptop stands, the USA is the top importer as per our global trade database.

USA Import Partners For Laptops Data 2020

With the rising demand for electronic devices, the demand for stands for laptops increased as well. Seeing the ‘qualitative value’ the laptop stands gave to people working all over the world, all day and night, these commodities were the top demanded electronic devices’ accessories during the pandemic.

This is because these stands provide assistance to an individual’s body by adjusting the laptop height accordingly to posture and work requirements. With the rise in usage of laptops, imports and exports of laptop stands will also increase, and it is increasing in fact!

Trade Accordingly the Materials

The materials used in building these stands vary according to the budget and comfort. The material used in manufacturing a laptop stand determines the quality of the application. Countries trade different types of materials with each other according to the final product.

  1. Metal — Metal provides a more robust base to use laptops than any other material. Because of its property to dissipate heat and avoid laptop’s overheating, metal laptop stands are the highest trading laptop stands.
  1. Wood — Wood laptop stands are stylish kinds, and can also be assembled at home as DIY. Wooden laptop stands do not dissipate heat as compared to metal, so they require ventilation areas for cooling down the laptop.
  1. Plastic — Plastic-based laptop stands are affordable and available in abundance. These might need separate ventilation areas or installed fans to dissipate the heat of the laptop.
  1. Aluminium — Aluminium has a similar property as the metal for the laptop’s overheating issues. Aluminium and metal are both the highest trading kind of laptop stands.

Below shown, laptop stands trade data represents the approximate share value of laptop stands exported from one of the biggest manufacturers, China. This is to be duly noted that given data consists of different Headings and HS Codes related to laptop stands. It includes the materials, machinery, and even the whole assembled commodity. Chapters in this report includes 84, 94, 76, 39, 73, 85, and 96.

China Exports For Laptop Stands (Q1 2020-Q2 2021) Data

According to the above-shown data, the lowest exports were in the second quarter of 2020 while the highest exports were in the exact consecutive quarters of 2020. Exports of laptop stands started from a 2.21% increase on a year-on-year basis in 2021. Laptop stands exports 2021 shows steady increasing levels, surging 3.08% in the second quarter, as per the data derived from Market Inside‘s intelligence.

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