The EU has been progressing towards creating a transition from the traditional usage of fossil fuels to alternative and clean energy. The efforts come, especially from the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine crisis that started in February 2022.

Imports for clean and alternative energy in the EU were registered to be slightly higher than exports. A few commodities included in the representation of the comparison data between the imports and exports are—solar panels, biodiesel, and wind turbines.

EU Clean Energy – Product 1: Solar Panels

The first product featured in the EU clean energy imports is solar panels (Subheading 854140). From the comparison between the values of both imports and exports, we can see that the values of imports are already higher than the values of exports, as per available data.

EU Solar Panels Trade – Quarterly Trends (Imports and Exports Comparison)

The top 5 importing countries in the EU for solar panels in 2021 were as follows: the Netherlands with a share value of 5.5%, followed by Germany with a 5.4% share value, Spain with a 2.5% share, Poland with a 1.8% share and France with a share value of 1.6%.

EU Solar Panels Top Importing Countries (2021)

Trade Comparison For Biodiesel

The imports and exports comparison for biodiesel (Heading 3826) is shown below, as per the availability of EU clean energy import data. The imports (except for the first quarter of 2022) are frequently showing higher rising values as compared to the values of exports in each quarter.

EU Biodiesel Trade – Quarterly Trends (Imports and Exports Comparison)

The top 5 importing countries in the EU for biodiesel in 2021 were as follows: the Netherlands with a share value of 25.6%, followed by Belgium with a value of 17.2% share, France with a share value of 7.8%, Spain with a value of 6.8% share, and Italy with a value of 6.6% share.

EU Biodiesel Top Importing Countries (2021)

Wind Turbines Comparison

The third product for the comparison of the imported EU clean energy is wind turbines (Subheading 850231). From the imports and exports comparison, we found that wind turbines are the only product among the chosen three, where the values of the imports are lower than the exports, as per the availability of EU trade data.

EU Wind Turbines Trade – Quarterly Trends (Imports and Exports Comparison)

The top 5 EU importing countries for wind turbines imports in 2021 were as follows: Sweden with a share value of 2.3%, followed by Poland with a value of 2.1% share, Denmark with a value of 1.8% share, Greece with a value of 1.4% share, and Italy with a value 1.4% share.

EU Wind Turbines Top Importing Countries (2021)
EU Wind Turbines Top Importing Countries (2021)

Although the values of the exports are nearly as similar as the values of the imports in the cases of solar panels and biodiesel trade, and wind turbine imports are higher than the exports, the values of imports remain constantly higher for the case of similar values.

In the case of wind turbine exports, the values are higher as the EU has been developing technology to install wind turbines and achieve offshore wind targets as per its objective. As per reports, constant efforts have been put in to fully reform the EU clean energy standards.


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